All Things Techie With Huge, Unstructured, Intuitive Leaps

The Fastest And Slowest Emails among the big free providers

I use all of the big free email account providers like Gmail, Yahoo, GXM,, hotmail, etc etc.  Regular readers know that I am a data privacy freak, so every time that I have to open an account and need an email address, I do not give out my gmail because it has my real name.  I have a whole stable of free accounts.  AND, when I am asked to give another account for password recovery (or mobile phone number for that matter), I never do.

So I conducted some latency tests to see who has the fastest and slowest email.  I sent all of the tests from a linux server using the sendmail facility.  The winner by far was Gmail.  The sent messages arrived the fastest by gmail.  The loser and slowest email account was Yahoo.  I am not surprised.

The only discordant note about the speed of gmail, is that I bet Google reads my email   The ads on my gmail folder prove it.


  1. GMAIL IS SOOO SLOW. when i entered my gmail account for a confirmation email, it took half an hour! But when i entered my yahoo account, it arrived aLmost five seconds after it was sent. I repeated this 5x so i could be sure it wasn't a fluke, but SAME RESULTS. Yahoo mail is evidently a better mail provider than gmail. Goodbye to my gmail account. HELLOOOOOO YAHOOOOOOO!

    1. I have been waiting for a half hour or more for a confirmation email to arrive on yahoo and it hadn't this is the first time though ... usually it arrives within minutes (though never immediately as it should)

