Today, I had difficulty with my blogs and Google Blogger. I would click on a blog to edit a comment that I received and from my Blogger dashboard, the page would load, but after the header I would get this error:
You have logged out from another location. Do you want to log in again
When I clicked yes, it opened a new window, and I got the same deal, all the while saying that I was logged in, but the popup box telling me that I wasn't. My google account at YouTube worked and my Gmail worked, so it was a head-scratcher.
After searching fruitlessly to report this to Google, I found that there is no direct way to contact Google by email. After a long more useless link clicking, I came upon the Blogger forum. It turns out that I was not alone.
Yesterday, the community forum guy from Google said to log in using httpS at I kept missing the httpS and just tried logging in using http. ie go to and log in. I did and all was working again after trying intermittently all day. What a royal pain.
So, do a secure login with https at It works, because I am posting this now and I couldn't get to my blogs at all today.
Hope this helps.
Good Information