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Hiring Teams Instead of Individuals

HR has it all wrong. They shouldn't be hiring a person -they should be hiring a team.
I was thinking about the future of work & emergent tech. When I visit companies, often I go into an IT shop that has a mix of C# programmers who learned their trade by cracking shrinkwrap, writing "Hello World" tutorials & kiddie scripters who barely know how to write SQL code. These people did an adequate job of filling the IT needs at a good price when the company needed it. When it comes time to stretch the tech muscles, they hire one new guy & expect him to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. However, in the bunch there're gems who can perform well beyond their pay grade, but they're held back by a majority of folks who are afraid of what they don't know and the prospect of let go or marginalized.

So why don't companies hire an established team? These people are used to working together. They know their stuff. They get a job done. They take a percentage of the profits in lieu of benefits and regular employment and move on. Blockchain and tokenization can help in this paradigm of trusted records keeping.

A team can be productive because they are independent. They don't play politics. They don't take orders from just anyone. This is good, except for a sales team.

(originally appeared as a LinkedIn post: )

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